Participating in DrupalCampCT
Additional ways you are welcome and encouraged to participate in DrupalCampCT include:
- Bring along plenty of business cards, flyers, other literature and giveaways that may be placed on the sponsorship table at DrupalCampCT 2013 where you are welcome to sit and greet attendees.
- Suggest a topic, session or discussion you would like to see presented or led by someone other than yourself at DrupalCampCT 2013 through the Sessions ideas page.
- Suggest a topic, session or discussion you would like to present or lead yourself at DrupalCampCT 2013 through the Click to present a session page.
- Brings fellow colleagues from your organization along to DrupalCampCT 2013, and be prepared to mingle, share your expertise and have fun with other Drupalists.